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Where are your products manufactured?

We look for the best products available. We want our product to last so they are there for you when you need them. As a result, some of our smaller pieces, such as the cable ties come from all over the world. However, the cards and the primary materials used are made and manufactured in the United States.

Are the colors shown in your photos accurate?

All photos on our website are under lighting conditions that are typical in a residential home and accurately represent the colors of our products.

How often do you reccomend reviewing the information on the cards?

In our house, we review the cards and check our emergency supplies once a year right around Christmas time.  It's always a good idea to make sure everyone in the family knows what to do in the case of an emergency. And every time we get a little shaker, it's a good reminder to go over our emergency plans again.

are the guidelines on your cards endorsed by any offical government agencies?

No. These lists are meant to be a guide only and not meant to replace common sense and good judgment. The items on this list were obtained from various organizations specializing in emergency preparedness and this information is readily available to the public.